The Book of Shadows, or the BOS, is literally a collection of spells, rituals and everything else witchy related. Some people have a working BOS and a decorative one for the altar. There's no right or wrong way to make a BOS, as long as it works for you. I prefer a binder with plastic page sheets for spells and what not. It makes it easy to pull out what's needed and store what is wanted. Then I have a diary for when I do meditations or want to keep stuff that I've found in books. I also have a traveling BOS for when I'm on the go. It has the most basic things in it, like calling of the quarters and prayers.
Just a warning - your BOS will likely get BIG. I will need a second 3 inch, 3 ring binder soon just to contain my correspondences and what not. It's amazing what you find in books and end up needing or wish you had kept!
