This is going back a few years but I find it really helps when I've had nasties come and visit me.
You will need:
a small dish of water or spray bottle Oil or a touch of ground up incense a touch of salt Optional - music with a good beat
Starting with the water, mix the salt and incense, or oil in the bowl. If using a spray bottle, make sure the incense is ground up real good or it clogs the bottle.
Shake the contents, and charge it with the power of the Gods of protection.
In your home, spray each wall, including in the closet and door frames, and windows with the charged mixture. Don't forget the ceiling and floor, including closets! If using a bowl of water, it helps to make a symbol of protection. My favorite is the Pentacle. As you can't always touch the ceiling, it helps to sprinkle the water on the ceiling. As you're spraying or writing the symbol, imagine the power of protection flowing throughout the walls, floors and ceilings. When you're done, stomp your foot, say 'So mote it be!' and envision everything locking into place.
As for the music - you can dance to it to help raise energy. Plus it makes things less monotonous. Who says you can't have fun working Magic? :D
