I've heard of variations of this protection spell, but most of them have the same idea. It essentially has you plant 4 plants in the 4 corners of your yard, asking them to guard your property. You can do this on the astral plain, as long as you bring in the plants in the winter if you're in a place where plants won't grow when the snow hits the ground. You plant each plant (in my case they were astral flowers), asking that their spirits help bring peace and protection to your home and yard. Add water and fertilizer and add a penny to the plant's roots. The penny can be a good luck token or small decoration instead.
When planting the plant , imagine it being a fountain or pool of energy. Every time the next plant is planted, see those pools of energy connect to the next plant in a straight line until you see the boarders of your yard protected by 4 walls of energy. Stamp your foot and say 'so mote it be', thank the energy and the plants. Some people find it useful to turn the 4 walls into a cube, with a ceiling and floor to prevent anything from sneaking in through the ground or from above.
This spell can also be used on plants already in the yard, specifically trees in this case. A blessing and a token for their protection can help. In both cases, care of the plants as a mutual thank you for their work can do wonders magically.