This ritual is for people who want something to work their spells around. I rarely see this format in a complete form, so I'm hoping people can make use of this. 📷 It's loosely based off of my own education in Wicca, although I'm not Wiccan. Happy Magicking!
You will need:
Two or three candles (One for The Great Dragon, One for your Guardian/ Guide Dragon(s) and if you're into honoring your ancestors, a candle for your ancestors. )
Container of salt. You don't need much.
Cakes/cookies and something to drink for Cakes and Ale. Can be water if you have nothing else.
Spell components if you're doing a spell
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Ground and Center
I like using the tree meditation. Envision yourself as a tree.
Energy is pulled through your roots, up your trunk, into your
leaves and rains down, carrying off negative energy for the earth to recycle.
Light candles and incense
Motion to the water, visualizing it fill with Dragon energy.
"By the power of the Elder Dragon(s)
I call you purified.'
Motion to the Salt,
'By the power of the Elder Dragon(s)
I call you purified.'
Motion to incense,
'By the power of the Elder Dragon(s)
I call you purified.'
Gently waft the incense over yourself, including the bottom of your feet. Say:
'I am Purified.'
Cast the circle, using your power finger, salt and incense.
'Around me flows
Around me grows
Power from the one
Around me glows,
Around me sows
Power from the sun'
Call the Quarters, starting in the East.
'I call upon the Great Dragon of the East,
Master of Air,
Symbol of Intellect and thought, breezes and wind.
I call you here to join my circle.
Hail! Hail and welcome!
I call upon the Great Dragon of the South,
Master of Fire,
Symbol of courage, passion, bonfires and candles.
I call you here to join my circle.
Hail! Hail and welcome!
I call upon the Great Dragon of the West,
Master of Water,
Symbol of Emotion, creation, waves and rivers.
I call you here to join my circle.
Hail! Hail and welcome!
I call upon the Great Dragon of the North,
Master of Earth,
Symbol of stability, strength, mountains and fertile ground.
I call you here to join my circle.
Hail! Hail and welcome!'
Calling the Great Dragon
(Note: I call a single creation force in ritual. Feel free to change this to suit your own needs) 📷
'Hail to the Great One!
Wisest of all!
You who guard the door to discovery and knowledge.
I call you forth to help me in my working.
Hail Great One,
Hail and Welcome!'
Insert Spell or Meditation Here
Cakes and Ale
Hold your hand over the cakes/cookies/ whatever you're using. Place a tidbit on the offering plate. Say:
'I ask the Great One to bless these Cakes. May you never hunger.'
Hold your hand over the chalice. Pour some of what you're drinking over the cake/cookie. Say:
'I ask the Great One to bless this wine. May you never thirst.'
Dismissing the Great Dragon
Thank you Great One for your time with me. Go if you must, Stay if you will. May your time pass freely. Hail and Farewell!
Dismissing the Quarters
I thank the Great Dragon of the North,
Master of Earth,
Symbol of stability, strength, mountains and fertile ground.
I thank you for attending my circle.
Hail! Hail and Farewell!
I thank the Great Dragon of the West,
Master of Water,
Symbol of Emotion, creation, waves and rivers.
I thank you for attending my circle.
Hail! Hail and Farewell!
I thank the Great Dragon of the South,
Master of Fire,
Symbol of Courage, passion, bonfires and candles.
I thank you for attending my circle.
Hail! Hail and Farewell!
I thank the Great Dragon of the East,
Master of Air,
Symbol of Intellect and thought, breezes and wind.
I thank you for attending my circle.
Hail! Hail and Farewell!
Closing Circle
Close the circle by simply drawing up the energy into your power finger.
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Leave the offering outside, if you can. If not, feel free to leave it on the altar for an hour then dispose of it in the garbage after releasing its energy.