There is no rule about the shape and size of the altar, although something big enough to hold most of your ritual tools is a bonus, unless you like to work light. Remember - the secret to one's 'power' is intent and building energy. The altar grounds excess energy and serves as a fancy focus for your efforts.
I use several different types of altar set ups depending on my candle holders and what not. The added image in today's blog will show my loose (and I mean very loose) set up for my working, every day altar. I also have a shrine where I leave offerings to the Gods and an ancestor altar of sorts where I light candles or leave mementos of my deceased relatives/loved ones/pets.
I know many who orientate their altars according to the directions of the four elements. Others, like myself, base it off of the Gods and what tool represents male and female energies. Another altar set up of mine is based off of the three things important in my worship: The Gods, The Guardians and my Ancestors. Again, this is loosely based off of the added picture in today's blog.
