I have several versions of this ritual. This version is the one I can post to the public as the others are sworn to secrecy :) . Some of the ritual is gacked from DJ Conway's Dancing with Dragons.
So the ritual goes as so:
Ground and Center
Triple Ohm
(As incense is passed over the body, this is recited)
Bless my eyes, that I may have clarity of vision
Bless my mouth that I may speak truth
Bless my ears so that I may hear all that is spoken and unsaid
Bless my heart so that I may be filled with love
Bless my feet that I may find and walk my own true path.
(Salt water is passed over the forehead in either the symbol of the goddess or the god depending if the person is male or female)
Thou art Goddess/God.
Circle Casting
I conjure thee o circle of power
so that you will be for me a boundary
between the world of men and the realms of the mighty spirits
A meeting place of perfect love, peace, trust and joy
Containing the power I will raise herein.
I call upon the Dragons of the east
who's ruler is (Sairi'-iss)
Please Guard our Circle
Hail great Dragons! Hail and welcome!
I call upon the dragons of the south
Who's ruler is (Faf'-near)
Please Guard our Circle
Hail great Dragons! Hail and welcome!
I call upon the Dragons of the west
Who's ruler is (Nail'-Yon)
Please Guard our Circle
Hail great Dragons! Hail and welcome!
I call upon the Dragons of the north
Who's ruler is (Grail)
Please Guard our Circle
Hail great Dragons! Hail and welcome!
Hail great Dragons of old! We ask that you help us mortals in our casting today/tonight! May your power fill us all and grant us inspiration. Hail and Welcome !
Add whatever spell you'd like to perform here.
Cakes and Ale
Old Ones! Please bless this (Fruit/cookie/cake)
In your names Ancient Dragons,
Please bless this (Fruit/cookie/cake)
May you never Hunger
Old Ones! Please bless this (Juice/Ale)
In your names Ancient Dragons,
Please bless this (Juice/Ale)
May you never Thirst
Thank Deities
Hail Great Dragons of old! We thank you for your presences here this day/night and we thank you for your inspiration. Hail and Farewell, old ones! Hail and farewell!
Close Quarters
Go in Peace, Dragons of the North
And return again in the ritual hour
Go in Peace, Dragons of the West
And return again in the ritual hour
Go in Peace, Dragons of the South
And return again in the ritual hour
Go in Peace, Dragons of the East
And return again in the ritual hour
Close Circle
Farewell to you, oh dragons fair
Fire, water, earth, and air
Together we make magic well
By power deep and magic spell
In peace go now, return once more
To teach me magic and ancient lore
Draconis! Draconis! Draconis!