Imagine yourself sitting in your room. As you look at the walls, imagine the corners of the walls turning into ropes of colored lines. As the walls fade, the ropes remain. Reach out and touch one of the ropes. Immediately you're pulled in. Travel these ropes. You find they form colorful shapes below you. These are dimensions. And before you - a sea of stars that expands as far as your imagination allows. It waves softly as if blowing in some unseen wind. Indeed it is - these are the Time Winds, which blow through different universes and help control the movement of galaxies. Travel these ropes to the sea of stars.
You land on it, discovering the sea of stars is more like a curtain. You feel its texture gently under your hands. The fabric feels alive.
You hear a voice and it calls you to go through the fabric. The fabric parts like a waterfall, cool and soft against your skin.
Your dragon gives you your staff that you created in the mundane world.
'Your staff will help you in your travels.' they say.' You can defend yourself with it and use it as an anchor to stabilize yourself when needed. You can also sink excess energy into your staff for future use.'
The dragon smiles and motions you to follow them. Together you travel down the rope highway again, but you travel farther than you have ever traveled before. it feels like hours have gone by and still there is no end to the vast colors of the astral world. Finally you see a clearing ahead of you. The Dragon takes you to it and you land in the rocky and barren ground. In the distance you can see great pillars of various sizes. The dragon leads you towards them. As you approach, you realize the structures are not pillars, but enormous natural mirrors that shine in the worlds' odd light. They are made out of a substance that you have never seen before.
'We are in the center of the multiverse' the Dragon says. This was created first when creation was formed and it will be the last place to die when the multiverse collapses.' They point to the mirrors.
' These are the windows to other dimensions and their time. You can watch anything from here. When you advance in your studies, you will learn to walk through the mirrors and visit time itself.'
The dragon smiles and allows you to explore. You find, among the mirrors, there is a small settlement of every creature imaginable, from Unicorns to creatures one has never imagined. They scurry about in their daily activities. Some even greet you in a polite hello. When you are done, you return to your Dragon and travel home.