Full moon rituals are an important part of the online coven I'm a part of. Here's how I honor the moon in my own way.
You will need:
1) Three candles and holders (You can use one in a pinch)
2) Incense
3) A chair
4) Some place where you can see the moon, either during or after ritual.
Light the first candle. Say something along the lines of:
'Hail Creator. I honor you this night.'
Light the second candle. Say something along the lines of:
'Hail Guardian spirits. I honor you this night.'
Light the third candle. Say something along the lines of:
'Hail ancestors. I honor you this night.'
Light the incense. Purify yourself with its smoke. Imagine a while light surrounding you, protecting you.
Sit in the chair and think of the moon, ideally outside. If not, do it inside by the altar, but go outside to greet the moon when you're done the ritual. Think of what it does for the earth, from controlling the tides to helping regulate the earth's orbit. Think of the stories that surround the Moon, from the sacred Goddess to how the ancients waited for it to rise. When you are done, thank the moon for its presence.
Snuff the candles, starting with the ancestors. Say something like:
'Thank you ancestors for your presences tonight'
'Thank you Spirit Guardians for your presences tonight'
'Thank you Creator for your presence tonight'
Let the incense burn itself out if it is safe to do so.
This same ritual can be used to greet the sun. Just take precautions to not get sunburned!