I have a wonderful book by Kate West called 'The Real Witches Garden'. I'm pretty sure you can order it in, even though it is out of print by now. It is well worth the money. One of my favorite spells is by her in this book and roughly goes as so:
Take your plant (Or one if you have many) and take some water. I generally do this in the spring. Kate West does it in the Spring Equinox.... I guess time is immaterial.
Call the quarters.
Call the Gods. As you call the Gods, ask them to help your plants grow and envision gold and silver sparkling energy fill the pot and plant you've brought with you.
When you've felt the Gods bless your plant, take the time to prune it and remove dead bits. Wipe dust off the leaves. Water it, saving some water for the other plants. As you work, feel the Gods' energy helping the plant grow.
When you're done, thank the Gods and dismiss the quarters.