This next protection is a psychic shield for when you're tired of people poking around in your head. This ;poking around' could be negative energy, people dumping emotions and thought on you or just everyday psychic grime.
All you need for this is your imagination.
I envision a circle in a treeless glade with me standing in the middle. This 'me' represents my mind. As I envision this, I imagine a wall of energy raising up and surrounding me in a half bubble - basically a floor with a domed top. While I do this, the negative thoughts, or everything but my thoughts, are shoved outside the bubble. As soon as they are outside the bubble, the top of the bubble is tied closed like a bread bag. To remove the bubble, just reverse everything from the tying of the bubble-bag to the dissipating of the circle.
The main problem I have with this technique is that it blocks my guardians from having mental contact with me. No matter how I form the energy shield, it blocks EVERYTHING. It's like if I block something and leave a hole for my guardians, that hole still lets things in. It can be frustrating at times. It can also be a live saver :)