This first bit is by Jamespyper (aka James) from Spells of Magic. He posted it some time ago, but it still resonates now as it did then :)
Recommended supplies for beginner witches. Note: Witchcraft does not require items or supplies. The last thing anyone needs is to feel inadequate in their craft because they are closeted witches, can't afford all the fancy bits ect.
* Jars, have lots of jars (jam,pickle any type) they are extremely useful in storing all sorts of things.
*Candles. as many colors as you can find or afford. PLEASE NOTE: you do NOT always need colored candles a simple white candle can substitute any color / intention too. In olden times they didn't have colored candles.
*Clear quartz ( can be used in substitution for any crystal/ mineral.)
*Rosemary (can be used in substitution for any herb/ plant).
*Sage (for cleansing and banishing negativity or negative spirits ).
*A notebook/ journal( doesn't have to be fancy a simple school notebook or binder with paper)
*Salt (negativity banishment and protection)
*sachets ( those little cloth pouches)
Then I added on:
I've also found some smaller additions to the magical cabinet are helpful. You may not use them all the time, but by golly, when you need them, you NEED them. These include but are not limited to:
** Small sewing kit consisting of needle and thread
** Embroidery thread. Shoelaces can be used in a pinch when doing cord magic
** Pencil or carving tool/needle for inscribing candles
**Tin can to put under candles if they drip a lot