Dragons. They are a fairly new creature to my practice, in the traditional sense. I honor them and call them friends, but I don't worship them. Well... except for the Big Guy, who everyone in my dragon 'clan' on the astral calls their God. So if he deserves the candle lit for him, so be it :)
The dragons I deal with are like over sized puppies. Probably because they're still young. They get into things, tumble about in play, stick their noses into things where they don't belong, like to help and overall will gleefully chew on the leg on astral intruders if they so desire. The older ones are quite dignified and curious. All my dragons like an offering of a penny or something shiny. A bit of meat now and then keeps them happy. All but the Big Guy don't want to be worshiped. They just like hanging out and being treated with respect.
Some of my dragon magic comes from DJ Conway's book Dancing with Dragons. While interesting, her path is not mine and some of what she says about her dragons don't ring true about mine. Mine, especially the babies, are like a cross between dogs, cats and parrots.
