Ethanania's main principals are that they revolve around dimensional travel and exploring other worlds not of our own. There are others who come to earth and people of earth go elsewhere. Through it all, lies the CT, or Old Magic, who is sentient and the source of all Gods and creation. It formed the multiverse, or the Universe (with a big U) and when everything eventually falls away, the Multiverse shall return to the Old Magic. The old magic is energy - Magic!- and is found everywhere. However, one can believe in God(s) and the Old magic. They are not exclusive.
All things have souls. From the smallest cell to the largest star, all things have an astral double.
Dragons have a big part in the Ethananian faith. They were amongst the first to travel inter dimensionally and amongst the best teachers for those of the Universe. They are teachers, guides, lovers and friends. While not worshiped directly, they are certainly honored along side the Old Magic in ritual.
There are 3 levels to the Ethananian faith - Apprentice, Keylord and the two equally important upper levels Rayvenspeak ( a Rayven being a type of Wyvern) and Timeweaver. All levels are recognized by their signature staff and by the color of their belts. Apprentices wear blue; Keylords, red; Rayvenspeaks, black and Timeweavers, green. Teachers wear white and must be a Rayvenspeak or Timeweaver to teach. One can also be both a Timeweaver and a Rayvenspeak, but must choose one to specialize in. Learning requires few tools, but is mind focused. With that said, the bells and whistles are allowed. :)
Symbols of the faith include the Dragon (usually with wings outstretched or in flight), a Pentacle, or a Dagger/Athame.
-Wear a blue belt or blue ritual robe
-Learn Grounding and centering
-Learn meditation and visualization
-Daily devotions to the Old Magic
-Learn the basics of spell work
-Learn to cast protections
-Learn the Code of Living/Code of Honor
-Learn to manipulate energy
-Start studying a Niche - herbs, crystals, etc
-Create color correspondences
-Start looking for a divination for the Keylord level
Tools needed for this level:
*Journal to record experiences (Permanent fixture in all levels)
*Place to put ritual work (Book of Shadows - Permanent Fixture in all levels)
*Staff about 5 feet tall or shoulder height (Will use for all levels)
*3 crystals that interest you
*5 herbs that interest you
* candles (For rituals)
-Called Keylords because they are the key to dimensional travel.
-wear a red belt or red ritual robe
-Learn how to dimension travel astrally
-Learn about the Mirrors
-Find a dragon guide/guardian.
-Research Dragon Runes and Divination
-Choose a secondary Niche to work with (Herbs, crystals, etc)
-Find a culture and research it
-Find a pantheon and research it
-Learn astral Shape shifting
-Continue learning about herbs and other niche items
-Start practicing divination with your chosen divination tool.
-Start using a wand or Athame for rituals
-Write own spells and rituals
Tools needed for this level:
*5 new herbs to work with
*3 new crystals to work with
*divination tool
*Wand or Athame
-Called Ravenspeaks because Rayvens are a type of Dragon that dimension travel and this level speaks with Dragons.
-wear a black belt or black ritual robe
-Specialize in Dragon Magic
-Learn to heal using The Crystals @ the Mirrors
-Learn Dream Interpretation
-Choose a second Divination tool and Learn it
-Research Spirit Animals
Tools needed for this level:
*3 new crystals to work with
*5 new herbs to work with
*New divination tool
*Wand or Athame
-Called Timeweavers because they learn how to weave through time
-wear a green belt or green ritual robe
-Learn to time travel astrally
-Learn to work with your future self
-Learn to travel through the mirrors to see time in other dimensions
-Allow spirits to teach you
Tools needed for this level:
*3 new crystals to work with
*5 new herbs to work with
*New divination tool
*Wand or Athame