Now WTF is Ethananian you ask. Technically it's a language and culture I developed about 20-30 years ago and I ended up creating my own faith based off those premises. While much of what I believe is now more recognizable as Pagan, my core beliefs of Ethananian are the same - Magic is alive and sentient, all things have souls, Dragons are helpers and dimensions exist. Much of my faith is based off those early ideas, so much so that I don't know what's originally pagan and what's from my Wiccan training. So I have to write down everything and the four training levels (Apprentice, Keylord, Rayvenspeak and Timeweaver). Not easy. I have to dig up my old notes from 22 years ago and see what's changed over the years. One of the things that have changed significantly is the idea of a world guide. There's a teacher, for sure... a spiritual one, who guides everyone through their training and may stay at the end.
As my notes come up, expect to see them show up here. :)