Stumbled across a lot of good information, like this site: and this website, which is where I got the below information from:
Discovered how to do a ritual for Papa Legba! It's pretty easy, if the web site I found is any indication of a true way to honor him.
- Call him in, thank him for his presence.
- Ask him to open the Gates for you. If you don't mind spirit visitors, tell him he can bring a few friends.
-Show him his altar, tell him it's for him. Be proud of what you've offered him, no humble it is. Even water and a candle will do.
-Have fun! Sing! Dance! Play music! He likes music about him, too :)
-Then be serious, after some time. Talk to him about your problems, concerns, etc.
-Listen to him. Take notes.
-When you are done, tell him thanks for coming and to please close the gate when he leaves.
-The next day, leave 3 pennies on a set of crossroads.
-Offerings can be left under any tree, or at a crossroads (My research also says the junction between 2 or more houses)
-Whatever you have, whatever you do, DO IT FROM THE HEART. Papa Legba will understand :)