Yesterday I did my first full ritual calling dragons only. It was... interesting... to say the least! They dragons were happy to help and demanded (politely) an offering of something for their hoards. I have a box of dimes and nickels I keep in the kitchen, so a few of those went into their hoard jar. I also found a bunch of gems that I can offer them from years ago. The youngest dragon was eager to play with them even before I said I could offer them to them. The youngest is such a cutie. Full of youth and curiosity, and definitely a kid, LOL!!
The dragons have been in my life for quite a while. The elder 'God' Dragon's been with me for years, sometimes eating some animal from his perch in his home when he visits from the astral. (He swears up and down he's not a messy eater, despite the bones, LOL). The darkness/chaos dragon visited me, too. He seems to be another dragon that's visited me for years, only he comes to me as Set and sometimes Loki. He seems relieved that he doesn't have to hide his true form from me any more now that I'm working Dragon magic. I'm not sure who's going to be riding the dragon with me when that time comes. I may not even have to do it, as I've gone through some shamanic journeying in the past where I was eaten by a bear and had my skeleton recast. But I WANT to go through it again. It's terrifying and exhilarating despite the emotional, physical, and mental chaos. It hurts to go through it, but you come out a stronger person.