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Maybon 2018

Writer: NL Conure FeatherDragonNL Conure FeatherDragon

- Items needed:




apple and knife

cooked squash of your choosing, cut up into small pieces

bell wine or juice

offering plate for libation



-Ground and Center

-Light candles and incense

** Motion to each item individually (The salt, incense and candles)

Say: 'By the Power of the Ancient One(s)

I call you Purified'

** Smudge yourself, including the soles of your feet.

-Cast circle, using your finger, incense then salt

Say: 'Around me flows, Around me grows, Prower from the One(s)

Around em glows, Around me flows, Power from the sun'

-Salute the Quarters

'I call upon the great spirits of ________!

Masters of ________!

I call upon you here to join the circle! Hail! Hail and Welcome! '

(East - Air, South - Fire, West - water, North - Earth)

-Call the Old One(s)

'Hail to the Great One(s)! Wisest of all! You who stand guard at the door of knowledge and discovery! I call you forth to aid me in this working. Hail! Hail and Welcome!'

-The working:

Say: 'The wheel has turned another spoke. It is a time of Harvest. Mother slumbers and Father awaits his rebirth. I/We will be here when you return.'

**Take the apple, cut it crosswise to show the natural pentacle in the center.

Say: 'Every beginning has an ending. Every ending has a beginning.'

**Take the bell, ring it three times to announce the ending of three seasons. Ring it once more time to announce the arrival of the fourth (The current sabbat)

Say: 'Life is Death. Death is Life. And so the sacred dance continues. May the circle remain unbroken. '

**Lay the halves of the apple on the offering plate.

-Do spell or other prayers/meditations here.

-Cakes and Ale

** Take cooked squash. Imagine a blue light filling it with the Old One(s) energy.

Sing: 'we all come from the goddess, from her we shall return, like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean. Hoof and horn, hoof and horn, all that dies shall be reborn. Corn and grain, corn and grain, all that dies shall rise again! '

**Put several pieces of squash on libation bowl as an offering.

** Take a piece of the squash, eat it. If there are others in circle, pass it to them and say: 'May you never Hunger'.

**Salute the juice/wine, pour some in the offering bowl.

**Take a sip of the juice or salute the cup. If there are others in the circle,

Say: 'May you never thirst'.

-Dismiss Deity:

'Thank you old One(s) for your time. Go if you must,s tay if you will. May your time pass freely. Hail and farewell!'

-Dismissing the Quarters:

'Thank you Great Element of ________! Masters of _______! Thank you for attending this circle. Hail, Hail and farewell!

(North - Earth, West - Water, South - Fire, East - Air)

-Drawing up circle

**Imagine the energy being drawn up through your finger three times.

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