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October / Samhain Ritual 2019

Writer: NL Conure FeatherDragonNL Conure FeatherDragon

Samhain Ritual Example – October 2019

Written by Michelle ‘Conure’ Hermary

This is the ritual format I used when I was helping teach a Wiccan training circle. Feel free to change things to suit your own practice J



God and goddess candles


Water container (Can be a thimble)

Cauldron or other fire proof and deep bowl. Even a pot will do.

Flash Paper (where magic supplies are available) or maiden candle and paper.

If having a feast for people afterwards, gather some of the first bits of food for the Gods and the deceased in a small bowl. Doesn’t have to be a whole lot. Just a spoonful will do.

Athame or wand

Plate of cookies or other edible

Chalice of juice or wine


Light your incense. Say:

‘May the blessings of the Gods be upon this incense/charcoal.’

Pass the incense around the circle, starting with a left turn, and let each person purify themselves.

Take the water and salt, mix with finger.


‘May the blessings of the Gods be upon this salt and water.’

Pass the salt water container to each person in the circle. Turn to the left. Take the salt water and write a god or goddess symbol on their forehead depending on their sex.

Say: ‘Thou are God/dess) as you write the symbol.


The triple Ohm.

Buddhists use a hum that is done three times to ground and center themselves. The first hum you visualize yourself as part of the universe as a whole. The second hum there is a visualization of being as a whole with the planet. The third hum is visualized as being whole with yourself.

Circle Casting

Starting in the East and directing energy to the left, say:

We consecrate this circle of power as a temple to the ancient ones. Here they may manifest and bless the endeavors of their children gathered in this sacred space. We stand now between the worlds, before the veil of mysteries. May the Lord and Lady Guide us in our magical journey.

Invoke Quarters

Use a wand or an athame to invoke the quarters. Starting in the east and moving to the left.

Hail ye mighty ones of the East! Powers of Air!

We do summon, stir and call ye up to attend and protect this rite.

To stand guard at the Eastern wall of our temple.

Hail Guardians of the East! Hail and Welcome!

Hail ye mighty ones of the (direction) Powers of (element)!

We do summon stir and call ye up to attend and protect this rite.

To stand guard at the (direction) wall of our temple.

Hail Guardians of the (direction), Hail and welcome!

East- Air, South- fire, West – water, North- Earth.

Invoking the God

‘Lord of Mysteries,

He who walks in darkness

And Whose light is never lost.

We ask you to draw near

And Grace our circle with your presence.

Radiant God, hear our call!

Hail Lord! Hail and Welcome !

Invoking the Goddess

‘Lady of the waning moon,

She who walks in darkness

And illuminates it from within

We ask you to draw near

And grace our circle with your presence.

Glorious Goddess, hear our call!

Hail Lady! Hail and Welcome!

Spell work for individuals is done here,

ie if they want help with a tooth, etc.

Major Working

Intent: We gather this night to Say farewell to those who have passed – friends, family, pets and others that we remember. May this paper be a reminder of

-Take flash paper or regular paper and write your person’s name on it. Moving to the left, state who you wish to remember and why. If you wish to remain quiet, you may do so. When done, burn the paper in the bowl/other heat proof container. If using flash paper, be warned it burns VERY fast and BRIGHT. It should be lit as close to the bowl as possible.

Simple Feast

Athame , held by the priest, is held over the chalice which is held by the priestess.

‘As the athame is to the male, the chalice is to the female’. The athame is lowered into the chalice. ‘And in their joining we are blessed. ‘

The chalice is passed over the offering bowls to the Gods and the departed before anyone drinks from it. Then it is passed to the person to the left. A sip is taken and then passed to the person to the left. ‘May you never thirst’ is said.

The Plate of goodies is taken up by the priest and a bit of it given to the Gods and the departed.

When that is done, the priest and priestess lay a hand over the goodies and say ‘May the blessings of the god and the goddess be on these cakes/cookies/goodies. ‘ Then the first pieces of the cakes/cookies are given to the Gods and the departed. Then they are passed to the left. After taking a cake from the pile, the Person passes it to the next person, saying ‘May you never Hunger’.

Farewell to the Goddess

Lady of the waning moon

She who walks in darkness

And illuminates it from within,

We thank you for drawing near

And gracing our circle with your presence.

Glorious Goddess, ere you depart for your lovely realms

We bid you hail, hail and farewell!

Farewell to the God

Lord of Mysteries

He who walks in darkness

And who’s light is never lost,

We thank you for drawing near

And gracing our circle with your presence.

Radiant God, ere you depart for your lovely realms,

We bid you hail, Hail and farewell!

Farewell to the Quarters

Hail to the Guardians I the (direction), powers of (element)!

We thank thee for attending and protecting this rite

And for standing guard at the (direction) wall of our temple.

We bid thee hail, Spirits of the (direction) and farewell!

North – Earth

West - Water

South – Fire

East – Air

Uncast the Circle

Starting in the east and going towards the left, say the following while envisioning the circle being drawn into your tool originally used to cut the circle:

‘We have consecrated this circle of power as the Temple to the Ancient ones. Now our rite is done, we release it to rejoin the greater energies of the universe. In perfect love and Perfect trust we depart, blessing and blessed, loving and loved. So mote it be!

Post Ritual

It was traditional for us to have a huge feast/potluck after the ritual. If you decide to do so, party on!

Afterwards, the food is left outside, by a tree, for the wild animals to snack on. J

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