Spirits. There's about as many views of the spirit realm as there are practitioners of magic. I'm an animist at heart and practicing shaman, so my views follow the views of the world tree and there being several planes of existence. Then there's things like angels and demons and guardians... it gets quite complicated. My own personal opinions is that ghosts and some of the other creatures out there on the spirit plain are from different plains, including this one. Some are deceased from this world, while others are from other levels of existence. The world tree describes this better in my option. There are three levels in the world tree. The roots are where the animals live and the totems and their spirits. The trunk is where humans and other creatures live, like elves and other spiritual creatures that are not of God nature or animal nature. The leaves, or crown (in the case of the evergreen example below) are where the Gods live. If, when you meditate, you cannot reach some part of the tree, it's because you are not allowed to enter for whatever reason. If you view the tree as a pine or related evergreen, you can imagine the branches reaching out from the trunk all the way down to the roots. That's how I see the different spiritual creatures living and co-existing. Each branch is different yet they can move from one branch to the other.
The biggest complaint, I've heard, of creatures who live in the trunk of the world tree is that humans don't give them enough respect. This is true of many Dragons I've met, too. Humans are greedy, bossy and opinionated creatures. We go into a ritual demanding things instead of being polite in our requests. This of course depends on the spirit being asked to join you in ritual. But from the ones I have met, they dislike being bossed about and prefer being treated as either equals or at least with enough respect to get an offering.
So that's it. Hope it's helped you somewhat. :)
