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Full Moon Ritual

Full moon rituals are an important part of the online coven I'm a part of. Here's how I honor the moon in my own way. You will need: 1)...

Dragon Ritual

I have several versions of this ritual. This version is the one I can post to the public as the others are sworn to secrecy :) . Some of...

Personal Shield

Before doing this shield, you'll need to mix some salt water and charge it with protection. Then, as you recite this casting of...


I can't remember where I found this blessing, but I like to use it when smudging myself. I plan on making a wall hanging of this to put...

Dream Interpretation

I find my dreams can't be analyzed by any book despite them being rich with meaning. Which is one reason why I find it so hard to...


Praying isn't just for Christians and Buddhists! We pagans will pray, too. I usually focus on what I want/need and say 'Dear Creator. I'm...

Jade Plant and Lucky Bamboo

I'm placing this post under 'Protections' because it is a protection of sorts. Jade Plant and Lucky Bamboo are my money making plants. I...

Transformers Ritual

Yes, I've actually used this ritual for personal shits and giggles, and for more serious practice work. I'm presuming most of my readers...


Dragons. They are a fairly new creature to my practice, in the traditional sense. I honor them and call them friends, but I don't worship...

Mindwipe, My Familiar

Theres some debate in the magical community as to what a familiar is. Some say they're pets who help during ritual or during magic....

Candle and other Colour Correspondence

I generally have one list of colours and use that for everything from rocks to flowers to candles and painting. Below is my personal...

The Spirit Realm

Spirits. There's about as many views of the spirit realm as there are practitioners of magic. I'm an animist at heart and practicing...

Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows, or the BOS, is literally a collection of spells, rituals and everything else witchy related. Some people have a...

The Wand

Wands are pretty simple creatures, though they can be very complex. They can be as easy to create as using as your own finger, or they...

Different Altar Set Ups

There is no rule about the shape and size of the altar, although something big enough to hold most of your ritual tools is a bonus,...

Plant Protections

I've heard of variations of this protection spell, but most of them have the same idea. It essentially has you plant 4 plants in the 4...

Dinosaur Protections

I use dinosaurs and Transformers when I use my protection magics. If something is currently in the process of annoying me, I call on the...

House Protections

This is going back a few years but I find it really helps when I've had nasties come and visit me. You will need: a small dish of water...

Pagan Advent

Generally, Christians celebrate the start of advent on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. In 2017 that falls on December 3rd. As both...

Transformers as Totems

Transformers. Ah yes. Those changing toys from the 80's. I've been a fan of them since I was eight and ever since that tender age, I was...


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